Ariana Swinson was murdered by her parents
November 30, 2004
Little two-year-old Ariana Swinson would have been seven years old now if she hadn't been murdered by her parents in Port Huron Township, MI. Her parents failed her and the child protection system failed her.
This happened in my boss' legislative district and ever since he's tried to wrap his arms around our child protection system with the goal of learning how it works and can be improved.
A veil of state imposed confidentiality...
... has been in place over the state's involvement in Ariana's short life. A Detroit Free Press reporter Jack Kresnak penetrated that veil and presented an unsettling picture. It's worth a read.
Today, a package of bills to strengthen state child protection efforts and to make them more accountable will be considered in a legislative committee. I'm not overly hopeful that we can take this all the way through.
This deserves more comment. I will come back to it.