Does Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick have the skills
Rep. Ray Cox blogs on MN school shootings

Promise Keepers brochure nails it

Promise Keepers is coming to East Lansing, MI and Michigan State University on July 8 and 9.  And because of that I went to an organizational meeting last night to assemble a local team of leaders. They passed out brochures about this year's event with the title, "Are You Awake?" Maybe because I've written too much copy for politician's brochures during my career, I didn't bother to read the copy of the PK brochure.  But, this a.m., I did and I'm glad.

It reads:  There is an epic battle being waged.  The world is taking its best shot at taking you down.  Homer Simpson isn't a courageous father.  He's a self-absorbed, bumbling idiot.  Nearly all portrayals of manhood in our culture point to laughable failure, effeminate lunacy, or at best, passive existence.  That's not who we are.  And that's not who God called us to be." Amen. I'm starting to get excited about PK this summer.
