My reaction: Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero State of City Speech-part #4
My reaction: Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero State of City Speech-conclusion

My reaction: Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero State of City Speech-part #5

Okay, here's my perception of what Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero said in his State of the City address:

  1. From the Lansing State Journal photo of the event:  Virg is pictured on the podium with the top leaders of the city.  There are no regular citizens, residents.  I bet most of these people live outside the city.  Should that encourage me and others?
  2. From the headline: Downtown, technology are future, mayor says; hmm...that says to me that he's concentrating on only one part of the city, the downtown.  So much, for the southside where more than 60 percent of the people live.  What about other parts of the city?
  3. Without details, he proposes wireless internet for downtown and for state government.  What does this mean?  Wireless internet is the future?  Sure, it's important and it's nice to have.  But, what about the people who live here, especially the kids.  Their problems are deeper than wireless internet.
  4. He talks about ending deficit spending and no tax increases in the city.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't state law prohibit cities and other local government from deficit spending.
  5. He emphasizes the importance of developing the riverfront.  Again, I'm quizzical.  This is a small very polluted river.  How does he see this as a magnet for transforming life in our city and how will it affect those of us who live her?
I'm left uninspired by what he said.  Yes, Virg has energy and enthusiasm, but it's going to take more than that.

Perhaps, Mayor Bernero was influenced by Gov. Granholm and her State of the State address from last week.  She painted a picture of Michigan that most would say reflected a reality that they were not familiar with.  She made Detroit sound like Santa Barbara.  It was good cheerleading stuff, but it was like a Promise Keepers event where you're taken to the mountain top and then you have to go home and face the reality of everyday life.

I want to be supportive.  I just hope there's more.  Lansing deserves it.

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