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14 posts from March 2006

Reasons you shouldn't get married by Dr. Randy Carlson

Thinking of getting married?

Dr. Randy Carlson, a good, common-sense relationship and marriage therapist, who has a radio program called Parent Talk, has published Download 10_reasons_not_to_marry.pdf   This is good checklist kind of stuff that's relevant.

Two MI House members try to find Ricky Holland death facts

A seven-year-old boy who lived near Lansing, MI, was allegedly murdered by his adoptive parents last summer.  When his parents reported him missing, the whole mid-Michigan community turned out to find him.

Then his adoptive dad took authorities to where he dumped Ricky Holland and the facts and questions started to dribble out in the media.

Two state lawmakers--Reps. David Law and Rick Baxter--have asked the Michigan Office of Childrens Ombudsman--to release the case files to help the Michigan Legislature sort through the life and death of this young boy and to research the state's involvement in his protection from abuse and neglect.

The Detroit News reports that the ombudsman, Ms. Verlie Ruffin, refuses to cooperate with the lawmakers.  She is the last line of hope for kids who are suspected of being victims physically, emotionally and otherwise.  The statute was changed and signed into law in early 2005 to toughen her office.  She still refuses to cooperate with the Legislature to show the state's involvement in the life of Ricky.

However, there's one more law that was passed at the time of the toughening amendments to the ombudsman's law.  It was introduced by Rep. Barb Vanderveen and requires that a child's files be opened after the child's death.  Gov. Granholm signed it into law.

My guess is that the Michigan Department of Human Services will fight any attempt to implement the law. 

The blogosphere needs to join hands in this effort to get Michigan to open up its system and its safety net for protecting its at-risk children.

Michigan economy goes to the brink with Delphi

This Thursday is the deadline for Delphi, the bankrupt auto parts maker, to come to agreement with its employees on a much lower hourly wage.

Today's Detroit News outlines a proposal where Delphi with GM's assistance offers lower wages at a graduated pace.  First step would be with the average employee going from $27 to $22 per hour and ending at $16 an hour.

If no deal is reached by Thursday, then Delphi will go to the bankruptcy court judge and ask that the contracts with their employees be voided.  That would probably precipitate a strike.

If that happens, then Michigan's quandry and troubles will be at the crisis point.  Politicians from both sides will have to work together to ensure that our state has a future.  The likelihood of both sides working together towards a positive end?

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Michigan voters: Read Lunch Bucket Conservative

Citizen journalism is alive and well in Michigan.  An example is Lunch Bucket Conservative.

This Lansing-based blog is written by a veteran politics watcher and covers areas that should be covered by Michigan media.  It delves into issues that should be of interest to voters of all stripes. 

Politicians make decisions that can meander across ethical boundaries.   From the posts in Lunch Bucket, you can make your own judgments about whether laws and values were compromised.

Michigan will be in path of bird flu

Flu and bird experts say that Michigan will be right in the path of the bird flu when birds start migrating north, according to a story in the Detroit Free Press. I guess it's time to become more informed about the who, what, where, how, why and so what of this.

MI Democratic Chair Mark Brewer should resign

After his civil disobedience at the Dick Devos for Governor Headquarters, Michigan Democrat Chair Mark Brewer needs to self-excommunicate himself from leadership in the state party.  It's time for him to step down.

Think about what he did.  He purposefully violated private property to cause disruption and make political hay.  When students at Michigan State University did this after a basketball game a few years ago, they were arrested and fined heavily. 

When Brewer talks about public schools, what kind of example is he for our children?  Do you want your child to grow up and act like that? 

Gov. Granholm needs somebody else at the helm of her state party.  There are plenty of Democrats who act with respect and who know how to debate issues and not violate the law.

Term-limited State Rep. Mike Murphy is a good example.  He's a passionate spokesman for the Democratic view and role of government.  But, he's also the epitome of class, unlike Brewer.

Michigan Republican Chair Saul Anuzis is an issues man.  He's passionate and is driven by principles, but you would never see him engage in some cheap law-breaking stunt to get publicity.

Michigan Democrats deserve better.

Oh yeah, Mark Brewer needs to publicly apologize to Dick Devos for the unlawful intrusion of his private space.

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MI Dem Chair Mark Brewer should stop acting like a thug

Michigan Democratic Chair Mark Brewer needs to stop acting like a thug and start making a case for his party's vision for this very stressed state.  Why do I say this?

He goes to the headquarters of Michigan Republican gubernatorial candidate Dick Devos and deliberately provokes a confrontation on private property. It's a great way to get play in the media, but does nothing to show me what the Democrats stand for on the important issues of the day.

I would like to see a real debate in Michigan on the issues and how the candidates identify and address them.  So far, Mark Brewer acts more like a political hood from Belarus, rather than Michigan.  Our citizens, regardless of party, deserve better.

My hope is that someday soon Michigan will be perceived as an opportunity state.  I want my adult kids who live in other states to be able to realize opportunity and not the insecurity that exists now.

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Your chance to hear about Web 2.0 in TalkCrunch podcast

Super-son on his blog, Confessions of An Undercover Geek, writes about the new TalkCrunch podcast and its exploration of Web 2.0.  Regardless of your profession, don't get caught with your technical pants down and ignore Web 2.0.  It's coming and it will radically change the way we do the web.

Zig Ziglar on making choices

I subscribe to Zig Ziglar's weekly newsletter.  It's filled with good common sense and reminders for living daily life.  This week, he writes about making choices and making the right or wrong ones can have life-changing consequences.  Good-stuff for everybody regardless of age.  It's worthy of printing and re-reading.

In Michigan: Detroit News writes about subsidies paid to adopt foster kids

The jailed adoptive parents of Lansing-area's Ricky Holland were paid a substantial adoption subsidy from the state of Michigan for he and his siblings before they were charged with murdering the seven-year-old.

This story from today's Detroit News raises huge questions about how the state of Michigan deals with foster children and their adoption.  It's an issue that the Michigan Legislature and Gov. Jennifer Granholm have pretty much ignored.

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Telemarketers will start calling your cellphone

Are you receiving telemarketing calls on your cellphone?

That day is coming, according to talk making the rounds in e-mail forwards and on various blogs.  But, Mike Wendland, the tech writer for the Detroit Free Press, says it won't happen.  Cellphone telemarketing is an urban myth. 

To check out credibility of other threats making the rounds, he points to  It presents and evaluates urban myths and legends making the rounds.

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I'm back after a hiatus in Mali, West Africa for a short-term mission trip

I'm back to the Daily Grit after a several week break that took me to Mali, West Africa for a short-term mission trip.  I got back late yesterday afternoon and I'm ready to resume life in mid-Michigan.

Here's what's on my mind this morning, St. Patrick's Day 2006:

  • The best job I've ever had--being a dad:  Today is my daughter, Krista's 24th birthday.  Her birth started a chain of events in my life that has given me unspeakable satisfaction and joy.  I'm really proud of her and who she is and I'm honored to have played a role in her life.
  • Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns:  If you have a spare 99 cents go to iTunes and download this song.  This is a song for anybody who has ever had their back pushed right to the wall.  It provides a roadmap that gets you to the other side.  I had that test while on my trip to Mali.  Check out my Mali blog for more details.
  • Taking life for granted and not being thankful: I think about the national Malians that I just left and I see the hard living conditions, the lack of food, lack of medical care and lack of opportunity and future.  That really struck me.  I'm not sure what I can do, but I have my ears on.  I'm listening.
  • Importance of having a good mechanic:  Before I left my mechanic told me I needed $1,400 in repairs.  One involved an oil leak from the engine.  I'm not a car guy.  Since I've been home the car seems to be running worse than when I took it in.  I hope they take this seriously and make it good with mi≈nimal inconvenience and cost.

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