Holy Week: It's a time to take a deep breath and get some real hope
April 09, 2006
In a few minutes, I'll start getting ready for church and for our annual Palm Sunday service.
I've heard the story of Holy Week since I was a kid. Over the years, I'm afraid that I've been victimized by a desensitization about what happened when Jesus was given tried, crucified, buried and when he rose from the dead. The story almost takes on the tone of "blah, blah, blah and more blah." I've heard it before.
This year is different. Everybody needs some hope, real hope, not the kind that's here today and gone tomorrow. For instance, in the papers this morning are stories about the Detroit Tigers and the thumping they've given the Texas Rangers in their first five games. It won't last.
Look at the Lansing State Journal this morning and ouch. Only good thing there is in the Meijers ad where a 24-pak of Diet Pepsi is under five bucks.
People are seeking answers. They are looking for justice and many are just trying to survive.
In church this morning, I really want to see Jesus. The only problem is my heart. It's very seldom in a spot where it should be. I pray that it's fully open this morning.
I really need to hear and experience and be reminded this year of what Jesus did for us and the eternal hope he gives.
Tags: Easter, Holy Week, DaVinci Code, gospel of Judas, Lansing
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