Public school teachers say yes to strike in city of Detroit
Detroit public school teachers need public relations lesson

My "sister" Londa gave me a really nice birthday gift in church

I've really sucked at getting out of the gates with what to do after retiring from my first career as a political staff person.  A few doors seemed to close and I got spooked.  My purpose for the next chapter of my life seemed to be elusive. 

I'm not really old yet, maybe older, but not old and I feel like I still have some innings left in me.  I just haven't been able to put the pieces together and I turn sixty in a few days.

An option seemed to be getting depressed because I couldn't find the handle on the next steps to the next chapter.  And, then my "sister" Londa gave me a birthday card with a present inside of it.  Maybe, she's being used by God as a conduit.

The present was a bracelet.  It's a witnessing tool.  It's black  with stripes of gold, red, white and green and with several icons.  There are also two question marks.  It's a tool to use to share or give witness to my faith in Jesus Christ.

Londa, I'm wearing it and I'm looking forward to using it.  I'm old enough to know that hope doesn't come from money, a job, from political parties, people, family, friends, a title.  It comes from Jesus Christ.  And, I do want to share that. 

What better purpose could there be in life?  I can't think of any.  You? 

My guess is that I'll get into something in addition.  But, I need to ease up and trust.  God created me and he has a plan for me and part of that, right now, is wearing my witnessing bracelet from evangecube.

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