The Nativity Story movie seems to turn birth of Jesus into a reality show
December 01, 2006
I can't count how many times I've seen reenactments of the nativity story. There have been school Christmas programs, live nativity programs in the community and maybe a television version here and there.
Now we have "The Nativity Story" movie that I almost ignored because I've seen the story told so many times. Then I heard Chuck Colson talk about the movie while I was listening to his commentary this morning on Family Life Radio and their WUGN station in Midland, Michigan.
The film apparently makes the main players in the nativity real people facing real life back in those times. It's not the sanitized, cute kids playing Mary and Joseph and the Cabbage Patch doll used to be a baby Jesus.
Even Focus on the Family gives an straight-forward, but positive review of the film.
Technorati Tags: the nativity story, movie, film, jesus christ, breakpoint, chuck colson, focus on the family, plugged in
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