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It's time to refire my political blog: Politics Through Michigan Eyes

I've taken a two-year hiatus from any heavy thinking or lifting about politics.  Sure I'd read the online papers and I'd bore my wife at the dinner table with my thoughts about what was happening at the state and national level.

But, I had lost the fire to be involved in any way other than voting.  I became fatigued and disheartened by the level of rhetoric from both sides.  It has seemed like bickering and backbiting has replaced honest debate.  All the political trash-talking just plain turned me away from the process.

I feel the need to jump back into the political arena as a citizen, rather than an operative.

That's why I'm jump-starting my political blog, Politics Through Michigan Eyes.  It's a place where I will share opinions, ask for opinions, try to gain understanding, share what I've been reading and provide insights gained from years of working in the process.

I will also practice being transparent in what I'm thinking and feeling about the process, the parties and its players.  For most of my life, I've been limited in all those areas because I worked inside the political system.

I don't anymore.  I'm retired from it.  I invite you to visit and join the conversation on Politics Through Michigan Eyes.

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