I wonder what my mom, Frieda M. Thorp (Moll), is doing in heaven today
Michigan's economic pain won't go away for a long time, according to report

Is MSU's basketball coach worth the $1.8 million per year that he receives

First, I need to make a confession about my spending habits.  I can't help it, but there are times when I just can't resist spending 75 cents for a copy of USA Today. 

Because of the cost, I find it hard to throw it away.  I want to read every word.

That's where I learned that MSU's basketball coach Tom Izzo gets $1.8 million per year.  Wow!  Why?  Why does he deserve it?  He's just a trainer of college jocks.

The state of Michigan is quickly becoming an industrial backwater.  People line up to get $10 per hour jobs.  Thousands are without health care.  And it's getting worse.

Anybody think that Izzo's pay and that of other coaches like him is over the edge?  What's the thinking?

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