Does Michigan test inmates for hepatitis c ?
Housing in the city of Detroit is cheaper to buy than new cars

My men's breakfast Bible study could be affected by Michigan Legislature

Every Wednesday, five of us meet at the Flap Jack in south Lansing to have breakfast and study the book of Psalms in the Bible.  Each week we order pretty much the same thing, from baked oatmeal, to regular oatmeal to omelets.

We know the waitresses by name and we are not afraid to tip.  Each guy leaves a buck or two on a five dollar tab.

That could change with a bill sponsored by State Rep. Fred Miller, D-Mount Clemens, who wants to raise the minimum wage paid to tipped workers from $2.65 an hour to $4.90 per hour. 

Today's Lansing State Journal in a story by MSU's Capital News Service quotes the bill's sponsor as saying: "It's about bottom-up economic stimulus for working families."  Okay. I hear that.

But how will Michigan restaurants pay for such a huge increase?  The owners won't cough up the increase from extra cash they have laying around.  Will they? 

It has to come from the customers. 

I'm anxious to hear some debate on this before our economically-depressed state decides to do this. 

If they pass this, the consequences could be very discernible.  It will be hard for people moving out of the state to find a place to eat before they cross the state border.

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