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Library of Congress: It becomes among the first in federal government to have a blog

The Library of Congress has demonstrated with its new blog that it is opening its big virtual doors wider and wider to its vast treasure chest of information.

I'm excited that the Library seems to really get this new technology and the mindset behind it. Matt Raymond, the blog author, writes in the first person and does it in a way where you feel he's sitting across the table from you. His honesty about getting used to this new channel of communication provides a fresh integrity and openness to federal government. Right on!

My next stop on the web this morning is to add the Library blog to my Bloglines and to my Google Reader. I look forward to making it a regular stop and I am anxious to see the links on the posts that will help me explore more of the resources inside this institution.

All I can say to the Library is to keep it up. With this newest change to your site, you are empowering people with another access point to information. That adds strength and it empowers the citizenry.

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