Michigan is becoming a poor state and will stay that way, says economist
What's the answer to the feeling that Michigan is going down a rathole?

Live blogging a vist from George Foreman at my house

P6160003I've watched so many commercials with George Foreman about his grill that I feel likes he's actually sitting on our countertop.

For Father's Day this year, my wife bought me one of George's G5 Next Generation Grills. You have five separate cooking plates where you can make everything from eggs, to chocolate chip cookies to waffles with quite a bit in-between.

I never picked up serious cooking, but with more time and because of the Food Network I am anxious to try more.

Getting more fat out of what we eat has a whole lot of appeal and this seems to be the ideal way to do it.  I know that tomorrow is the big day, but my wife decided to give it to me a day early.  That way we can use the grill in the morning to cook low fat waffles. 

It looks like it's perfect sized for an empty-nested couple who are trying to be careful with what they eat.

Can anybody recommend any good recipes using George's grill?  Has Rachael Ray or Giada developed any dishes using this interesting cooking tool?
