Time to put the flag at half mast for Aunt Florence Vandenberg-Moran
Southside block party shows need for Citizen Journalism in Lansing, MI

In mid-Michigan, looking through my periscope at the whole state and other places

This morning I'm working in my home office doing some blogging of various types including some notes about what's happening here in Michigan.  Here's what's grabbing my attention on this humid July day:

  • Is GM's show-and-tell with its plug-in hybrid the Chevy Volt just eyewash to keep the U.S. Congress off its back with new fuel efficiency increases?  Detroit News story says the Volt would allow drivers to go up to 40 miles on an electric motor.  The car which could be in production by 2010 also has a traditional internal combusion engine.
  • Why isn't this happening in Michigan?  U.S. unemployment rate for June was 4.5 percent as the economy added 132,000 workers.
  • Michigan's unemployment rate in June jumped from 6.9 percent to 7.2 percent.  Why isn't the economy turning around in our state?  Ask politicians and they point fingers at each other.
  • What about Michigan House Democratic attempts to raise taxes on wireless phone bills?  Does this include VOIP which isn't taxed now, I believe?  Sponsors of this need to explain why this is needed.
That's it for now.  I'm sure I'll see more as the day progresses.

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