My retirement refirement: Learning Intentional Living from Family Life Communications
Starting my day: My life in mid-Michigan on 07-07-07

My retirement refirement: Dr. Randy Carlson's Intentional Living website doesn't describe intentional life

As I sit in my wife's third grade classroom where she's cleaning out files, I have been reading through Dr. Randy Carlson's Intentional Living website looking for principles that I can use.

This is part of my effort as a retired baby-boomer to get refired and move more quickly into the next chapter of my life.

There's none there.  His site alludes to it and gives you the impression that it includes resources to help you understand and make it part of your life.

My impression is that if I buy the Intentional Life CD collection, then I can find out.  I've listened to his daily radio program occasionally since it moved from being Parent Talk to the Intentional Life.

My wife and I were monthly supporters of Parent Talk.  But, we haven't re-upped to the new emphasis.

Quite frankly, I've noticed that Dr. Carlson seems to have taken a bent more towards being a merchandiser.  Sign up for his newsletters and you get e-mails every week and sometimes more often about specials.

On his program, he talks about his passion to get people to live intentionally in all major areas of their lives, especially in their relationship with God. 

I'm disappointed that his sense of mission seems to stop at the cash register.  You have to pay to get the information.  This doesn't impress me.  I hope my perception is wrong.

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