Last night's debate: Mrs. Clinton can pee in the high weeds with the big dogs, so what?
November 16, 2007
I'm trying to get more engaged in the fray over who should be next president of the United States. Like many other Americans I'm looking for a candidate who I can believe in.
So, last night, I watched the first hour of the CNN debate of Democratic presidential candidates that took place in Las Vegas. Even though I'm a Republican, I want to make an informed judgment. It was entertaining almost. Was it worth giving up watching Survivor China? Probably not.
Nobody grabbed me like the glass of Leelenau Cellars raspberry wine that was sitting next to me. I realize that Mrs. Clinton last week did the big stutter over the drivers license question regarding illegal aliens. All she did last night was prove that she could pee in the high weeds with the boys. So what?
The questions bothering most Americans were still unanswered. I realize that the Republicans are a long shot to take the White House again. I didn't see any Democrat that instilled confidence in me.
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Tags: hillaryclinton, john edwards, barack obama, democrats, cnn, presidential debates, white house, leelanau cellars, wine