My second read of the day: UAW will assume new role as major stockholder in Detroit auto companies
Last night's debate: Mrs. Clinton can pee in the high weeds with the big dogs, so what?

My third read of the day: Michigan Republicans take a shining to Rudy Giuliani as a presidential candidate

Michigan Republicans, in a poll published today in the Detroit News, say they want Rudy Giuliani as their party's presidential nominee.

Quite frankly, that comes as a surprise to me.  Mitt Romney is a product of Michigan.  During his father's first campaign for governor, Mitt would be at campaign events with his mom and dad. 

How much homework have Michigan voters done about the former New York City mayor.  The whole fiasco about the appointment of Bernard Kerik, his police commissioner, as secretary of Homeland Security raises questions about his judgment and his ability to vette people serving with him.

The question is whether Giuliani will be able to maintain his lead in our state during the next few months.

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