It's official that I'm father of a bride to-be
May 05, 2008
Gladys and I were just walking out of Barnes and Noble at the Lansing Mall yesterday when Krista called on my cell. She was really excited. Her boy-friend, Adam Jones, asked her to marry him. Wow! As customers were walking in and out of the store, we both did the big smile.
During the past several months I've really been impressed by Adam and by how well
the two of them complement each other. He really loves my daughter, my super-pumpkin, my little girl who has become a young woman of note.
Wedding will probably be in the fall.
I still remember bringing her home from the hospital. Then there were all those newborn nights where she woke up and we'd walk the floor together, with one of my hands on her and a Time magazine in the other which I would read to her.
I'm really proud of her and of the guy she picked to spend her life with. Welcome to the family, Adam. Check out his blog.