What I found being part of my first "meme" from www.boomerinthepew.com
November 14, 2008
My good friend Dave Porter who writes Boomer In The Pew, a well-read blog about his personal spiritual journey, has invited me to be part of his meme that he describes in this post.
Here's how it works, according to the post:
Here's how it works: I am supposed to pick up the nearest book with at least 123 pages, turn to the 123rd page, find the 5th sentence, and then post the three sentences immediately after that.
He invited five friends with blogs to participate in a meme similar to one he was invited earlier in a similar exercise. Here's what I did: My desktop is mammoth and it has probably ten books lined up on it. I picked the first one my eyes went to--Prayer-Does It Make Any Difference? by Philip Yancey.
Here's what I found in the first three sentences after the fifth sentence on page 123:
"I prayed for unity. I prayed for the kingdom of God. After the meeting the king made an urgent appeal to the Zulu people to stop fighting and to remain calm and peaceful."
It's part of an amazing story about the role of prayer when peace was fragile in South Africa. Apartheid had fallen and the transition from a white to black government was making various groups nervous with the prospects for a continued peace very tenuous. It's worth a read. Great book.
David, thanks for asking me to be part of your meme.