Candidate for Northern Michigan Episcopal bishop doesn't believe in Jesus Christ
During World War II he helped make radios run in the South Pacific

Pastor David Maier tells what Jesus Christ means to him

I could tell that David Maier was answering my question based on very real and personal experience and faith. At a nearby Biggby's coffeeshop on South Waverly Road in Lansing, I turned on my Flip video camera and asked him, "What does Jesus mean to him?"

It was near the end of the day and it was a day after he got test results back that he was clear from the cancer he had had, he answered without hesitation. I invite you to visit his blog, Pastor David Maier-Fighting Forward, to read about his life and his faith. Living in Michigan right now can suck the hope right out of you. His blog points you to steps to keep that from happening.

Here's a short Flip video clip of his answer:
