Did Gov. Granholm have to make state school aid cuts?
October 23, 2009
So, what's the deal about Gov. Granholm's cuts of state school aid to Michigan schools? She said the tax revenues are just not there to support promised support for local public schools. She's talking about the necessity of tax increases, adjustments, restructuring or whatever you want to call it.
The Republicans are saying that the cuts aren't necessary and that there's enough state revenue to cover state school aid.
Who do you believe?
Check this morning's news accounts:
- Detroit Free Press reports about an additional cut that Granholm made yesterday in per-pupil state aid of $127. That's on top of a $165 per student cut she made earlier in the weak. Read down to the bottom of the first page of the story where House Minority Leader Kevin Elsenheimer says the cuts weren't necessary. The money's there, he says.
- Detroit News reports the same cuts and quotes Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop as saying the cut are "ridiculous" and says the legislature's state school aid bill was balanced.
Again, I ask, who is right? State taxpayers are being fed two different stories. Does one depend on his or her own internal prejudice or are there a reliable set of facts.
Can local school districts live with these cuts? How will they affect classroom education?