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What has the Lutheran church done with the Reformation?

Today's a much bigger day than just Halloween.  It's also Reformation Day, a celebration of the actions of a Roman Catholic priest, Martin Luther, who took on the practice of his church body which had made a relationship with God and getting to heaven something that had to be bought and earned through works.

I invite you to read this post by the Rev. Paul T. McCain from his blog Cyberbrethren about what happened that day.  What Luther did created a societal tsunami of epic proportions. 

It restored the truths of the Bible to the "who, what, when, where, how, why and so what" of God and how to be right with Him.  It was a revolution bigger than others.

But, the question has to be asked about what the Lutheran church has done with the freedom gained by Luther's action?

Have they used the true freedom gained from the gospel of Jesus Christ with all the hope that comes from it in a way to change the world around them?

Have they become reflectors of the love of Jesus right where they are and not just in a Sunday service?

If one of their churches closed down or moved would their absence be noticed?

I pray that the spark ignited by Martin Luther back in the 1500s be re-ignited again and that the Lutheran church pulse with the love that comes with being free in Jesus and what he did on the cross.
