Thoughts from my 63rd Thanksgiving
November 27, 2009
This year when I think about Thanksgiving I think about four people in my life, my family. It's my wife, my daughter, my son, my son-in-law and my unborn grandchild. I thank God for each one of them.
Being part of a family is the closest that I've come to true joy. It's belonging. It's loving. It's being loved. It's sharing. It's having a purpose. It's being part of something bigger than yourself. It beats anything I've ever done or been a part of.
I say, "Thank you God for the privilege of being part of this family." I know that I'm blessed by the grace of God. I don't deserve what I've received. But, God gave them to me anyway.
My wife is the second woman to be a life-changer for me. The first was my mom who was left to raise me when my father vanished in 1948 to be found in the mid 1970s still married to my mom, married to another woman and who had a whole different family.
My mom loved me unconditionally and sacrificed to see that I got what I needed.
My wife loves me unconditionally. But more importantly, she loves Jesus Christ more than she loves me. As a result, she reflects back to me, to our kids and to others, the pure love she feels from him. I've experienced true partnership with a mate, something my mom never felt.
Each of our kids know His love too. I've felt their love. They are love reflectors too who feel the steady love of Jesus Christ. And let me emphasize that I include my son-in-law in this category also.
I don't know what lies ahead. But, I know that I can give thanks for everything. I just heard Pastor Joe Stowell mention the Bible verse from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 about giving thanks in all circumstances. And by the power of God, I can do that. And, it says I should pray without ceasing.
As a member of the first-class of baby-boomers, I am learning how to pray. It's so simple that it's hard. I'm talking to God throughout the day.
I am thankful. The list would be long.
I know what lies ahead in eternity.
I'm really thankful for that.
Here's Dr. Joe Stowell on Thanksgiving. It's worth watching: