My first live Michigan State Of The State Address was given by Gov. George Romney
When shopping for a house do buyers look for spiritual vitality in an area?

Michigan should adopt "gray" as the winter season's state color

I'm looking out our front window before we go to church and I see plenty of "gray."

It seems like it's that way most everyday here in the heart of Michigan where sun is something that appears on irregular occasions during the winter.

I've found that for me it's easy to let the lack of sunshine sap the vitality out of me.  You have to make the sunshine in your head even though it's not doing it outside.

But I have to admit that two words are becoming more relevant to me: 1) snow; 2) bird.  That's snow bird.  It's where Michigan people take an annual break from the cold and the grayness down south usually to Florida.

The idea is starting to have appeal.  Today, I'd be ready to go right after church.
