Reacting to my son's New Year's resolutions
January 05, 2010
My son, Justin, just published his list of resolutions for the New Year and my instant reaction is to say, "Right on, man. Go for it." It's a pretty impressive list of goals and includes things like writing a book about what he's learned in his field, cooking a couple of big meals every month for his friends, losing weight and running more and about traveling around the country.
What else can I say?
Well, he's made think about my goals for the next year as a somebody who will turn 64 at the end of the summer.
I realize that I'm at a point where I need to narrow down my goals to the things most important to me. Perhaps, I need to put together my list and get blog input as I shift the pieces around and move some off the list.
His employer, Clearspring Technologies which has the AddThis for content sharing on the web, is lucky to have him, especially in his position as community manager. He knows how to pull people together and how to serve them in a way that's an example to others.
UPDATE: My son has inspired me to look at my own New Year's Resolutions from a babyboomer point-of-view.