Why wouldn't Hollywood like Michigan's free money?
A quick portrait of the two women in my life

Did Shaun Brown Sr. of Battle Creek kill his 5-month old son?

"It is clear that the child had been under the care of Mr. Brown and it was clear that something happened about 12:30 p.m. and the child was in the care of the defendant," District Judge John Hallacy said after listening to more than two hours of testimony. "The pathologist said in her finding that the child suffered impact or trauma to the head and all that happens when the child was in the care of the defendant. He minimizes what he did to the child."

via www.battlecreekenquirer.com

You decide whether Shaun Brown Sr. killed his 5-month old son. Read the story and share your thoughts.

These cases continue leaving the stench of death for a growing number of Michigan's children.

Parents and care-providers are taking out their anger on their defense-less kids.

The state has a broad infrastructure of laws and programs in place to help prevent these crimes from happening.

As we move into a campaign for governor and the Michigan Legislature, we need to ask candidates where they stand on enforcing child protection and neglect laws that already exist.
