Does the State Board of Education in Michigan have the answer?
Does Michael Hyatt have answer to low-achievement in public schools?

Did Michigan teacher "concessions" actually result in pay increase?

The average teacher salary in 2008-2009 according to the MDE was $58,721, up 3 percent from the previous year. This figure is computed by dividing the total expenditures on basic instruction by the total full-time certified teachers. However, it also includes teachers in public charter schools, which has the effect of reducing the figure significantly. Only counting salaries of teachers in conventional schools (93 percent of all teachers) produces an average salary of $62,556.


Michigan teachers have been talking about all the pay and benefits they've given up because of falling revenues.

The Mackinac Center says latest data from the Michigan Department of Education shows that public school teacher pay has actually increased.

Is this true? Are teachers victims in this falling economy or are they just whining?
