When Rick says “We can’t just fix it, we need to reinvent Michigan”, what does he mean?
Quite simply, he means that we’re well beyond the point where timid reforms, half-hearted reorganizations, policy tweaks or band-aids of any other sort will solve our problems. Our economy has fundamentally changed and there’s no going back to the way things were. We need new models for economic development, education, healthcare, central cities revitalization, environmental stewardship and more. Our citizens, particularly the young, need the education and training appropriate for today’s global, knowledge based economy.
via www.rickformichigan.com
I've seen all the television ads where Republican gubernatorial candidate Rick Snyder describes himself as a true geek, especially a computer geek.
I'm not seeing it. From looking at his website, he appears to be a business guy who ran a computer company, but he's not a geek and that disappoints me.
A true geek would use social media on the Internet to connect people and to have a conversation in the marketplace. By conversation, I mean more than a proclamation from a CEO, but a careful effort to listen to and nurture comments from the people you serve.
Go to Cluetrain Manifesto.com, a foundational document about how the marketplace for products and ideas has changed and you'll see how much Snyder misses the mark.
The marketplace has become a conversation. People want to be heard and they want a connection with the top guy.
Go to Snyder's website. Do you see any indication that he cares about the thoughts of somebody in Saginaw, Muskegon, St. Joseph, Bay City, Trenton?
He's missing a wonderful opportunity to bring people together.
I just wish they had a "none of the above" choice on the governor's ballot.