My grandson has got his seat for the MSU v. Iowa game this afternoon
Thinking seriously about Michigan's upcoming election

Here's how political candidates could get my vote

When having lunch together on Monday, my friend Ken and I were talking about the hundreds of millions of dollars being spent on the current political campaigns around the country.

He had a great idea: The candidate who takes $100,000 from his campaign treasury and who uses it for rebuilding the country of Haiti instead of one more flight of attack ads would have his vote.

Having just returned from that country two weeks ago, I've seen the extreme need for just about everything. They need clean water to drink and they need food. The live in squalor.

Just think if U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers from the mid-Michigan area took $100,000 from his campaign war chest and gave it to Samaritan's Purse which is working hard to meet many of these needs. What if his opponent did it? By doing this they would forgo a chance to stretch the truth or lie about their opponents.

But they would be helping a group of people in serious need.

They'd have my vote and they'd have Ken's. Any takers among the candidates?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
