Here's what stands out in my memory of the late Charlie Cain, longtime Detroit News politics reporter
I'm working on describing my "Aha Moment" for a Mutual of Omaha video

Check this: In Michigan, prescription drug abuse kills more than heroin and cocaine combined

In Michigan, more residents now die from prescription drug abuse than from heroin and cocaine combined, a federal registry shows. In 2009, the latest year data are available, 457 Michiganders died of overdoses from one or more prescription drugs, up from 409 deaths the year before.


In Michigan, the drugs that are killing more young people and others are found in the medicine chest in the form of prescription drugs, according to this story from today's Detroit Free Press.

Reason for this is their availability, according to the Free Press story.  More prescriptions are being written in Michigan with young people having access to them in their parent's or grandparent's medicine cabinets. 

The stats for our state are amazing and scary.  What's the answer? 
