Check this: In Michigan, prescription drug abuse kills more than heroin and cocaine combined
We renewed our wedding vows last night in our backyard with our son-in-law officiating and neighbors watching

I'm working on describing my "Aha Moment" for a Mutual of Omaha video

I almost ignored an e-mail from Mutual of Omaha to participate in their Aha Moment Tour where they come to your town and shoot video of you describing an "Aha Moment" in your life.  I've been behind a lot of cameras in my life, but have never felt comfortable in front.

But as soon as I decided to ignore the invitation, one Aha Moment came to mind and then another.

I checked the definition of an "Aha Moment" to see if mine fit.  The company defined such a time this way:

It's a moment of clarity, a defining moment where you gain real wisdom - wisdom you can use to change your life.

Both fit that criteria and so I decided to give it a try.  When Mutual of Omaha comes to town next week with their video bus, I'll have a chance to share it.  In a nutshell, it's about my effort as a member of the first class of baby-boomers born in 1946 to find some meaning and purpose in retirement and in the transitions of life that seem to come with it.

Last year my wife and I were invited by some friends to participate in a mission trip to Haiti.  During our every morning power walks, we chewed over the pros and cons of going to a pretty rugged and needy country where there plenty of disease and hunger.  We thought we were beyond the age of real manual labor of hauling debris and working in really hot sun.

We decided not to go.  Nice idea, we thought, but not the right trip for us.  Then one morning when we got back from our walk, we read the back cover of the book "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper about a married couple who retired early and how they were wasting their life and at that moment we changed our minds.  We decided to go.  The trip was a life-changer for both of us.  I'll describe more of that in another post as I work through this.  Here's the portion of the back cover that got our attention:

Dont waste your life

