Baby-boomers: Counting down to birthday number 65 in two weeks
What percentage of your city's police department actually goes out and patrols the streets?

Getting ready for church on this Sunday morning late in August

image from

The above picture was taken by my son Justin Thorp.  It has to be in front of a tavern.  Right?

I'm waiting in line to use the shower in our busy little household as we get ready to go to church.  It's a perfect time for me to get my head and heart in a right place where I am ready to meet God and fill up my internal hope tank for another week.  I find it too easy to breeze into church, get a cup of coffee, sit down and let it happen.

I know that I need to position myself to be open to God and his love.  I have to be ready to receive it.  Here's a couple of the things I've been reading to help me with that this morning:

  • Oswald Chambers from his devotional book My Utmost for His Highest writes about being Christ aware, rather than self-aware.  I find it too easy to focus on circumstance of the present whether in politics or in the culture before I focus and be more aware of Jesus Christ and who he is, what he has done and continues to do.
  • From the Twitter and Facebook feed of David Maier, president of the Michigan District of the Lutheran Church of the Missouri Synod who sent this tweet this morning:


Maier shares a serious and very important point.  I need to live more intentionally, particularly as I more firmly enter my senior citizen years.  The clock is running on my life and I need to make each moment count.  It' easy to get distracted.

It's my turn in the shower and then off to church.

