I am proud of my newly-minted 28-year-old son, Justin Z. Thorp
June 10, 2012
Sitting here on our couch this morning before church, it came to me like an e-mail notifier on the screen of my MacBook Air. I really need to say, "Thank-you God for the gift of my family, my wife Gladys, my daughter Krista and my son Justin, along with their spouses and our two grandkids, one two-years-old and the other pre-born."
They all have added meaning, purpose and texture to my life. But, today, I am thinking especially of Justin who turns 28-years-old today. Wow. It seems like it was just a few months ago that I drove Gladys to Sparrow Hospital at 1 a.m. with Justin being born at 2.
Remembering a long evening and a long night when Krista was born, I came ready with music on cassettee and a Time magazine or two. But when I got to the delivery room for Justin, I only had time to get on my scrubs before the doctor said it was a boy and he handed me the scissors to cut the umbilical cord. That was the beginning of a true father-son adventure.
As a political operative, I was always involved in a campaign. And as Justin got older, he was usually right next to me. Lots of doors. Lots of conversations in the car as we drove throughout the state.
We did the family grocery shopping. It was something that we turned into a weekly event. It was during this time that we first drank cappucinno, something that became ritual and a special time to talk about anything from computers to politics.
As he got older we started going to Promise Keeper events around the country together. We went Soldier Field in Chicago. There was Detroit. A weekend in Las Vegas and then Stand In The Gap in Washington, D.C.
All these memories are like a stockpile of gold to me. He's a winner. He needs to know that his dad is proud of him.
"Thank-you God for Justin and Krista, their spouses and for my grandkids. You've blessed me big time."
Happy-birthday Justin!