Get ready pull out a five-dollar bill for a copy of a skinned-down version of Time magazine
October 11, 2012
I've ready Time magazine for a good chunk of my life. I got it when I was in high school, college, in journalism school at Michigan State University and as a full-fledged adult. I let my subscription lapse in September because of the cost and the reduced size of the magazine.
But, then I saw this cover story about the Fact Wars in the U.S. Presidential campaign. Each side is throwing out reams of numbers. How do you decide what's the truth. I wanted to what the Time cover story said about both sides.
Then I went to Barnes & Noble in the Lansing Mall today and found this copy of that Time. First, the issue was really thin, really, really thin and second the price was $4.99. Pretty stiff. I did find this link to the story.
Has anybody read it? Who is more truthful in the campaign? Who has facts that are facts and who hs facts that are fiction?