#9--Letter to my grandson about his baptismal gown made from a World War II parachute
We are home from Bosnia, Croatia, Vienna and Germany

Is Zeke Braverman on Parenthood a good role model for family patriarchs?

I think it was my daughter-in-law Lauren who described one time as the family "patriarch."  I think she called me that when we were taking a family picture with our kids and then one grandchild.  That moment stuck with me, but I could never see myself as a Moses or Abraham.

Then I saw Zeke Braverman played by Craig Nelson on the television show Parenthood and I started to make more of a connection with the word.

It's a family of a bunch of kids and grandkids who are uncharactically close.  Somehow, they keep their individuality and sometimes, they let that show with a great deal of volume during family get-togethers.

Zeke tries to bring order to the family chaos and occasionally contributes to the disorder.  He's there for his family when needed and sometimes when it's not.

But, in my mind, what makes his character special is that he values family relationships.  They are major to him.  He shows love to them all.  

The show starts a new season in the next week and I'm anxious to see more.  

I'm getting comfortable with the word family patriarch.  I still feel like I'm in training.  Zeke can help me move that along.
