LANSING ICE STORM: My neighbor Gary Valdez and his son deserve to be in Hall of Fame
December 27, 2013
It was late on Christmas afternoon and we were back checking on our house when our neighbor from across the street came over to offer his generator. His power had just come on and ours was still out. We waited for an hour or more and then accepted the offer.
He and his son Nick came over, hooked it up to our furnace, showed us how to connect the fridge and a couple of lights. They seemed happy to do it. They asked about three, four more times if there was anything else they could help with.
After the furance went on, as a result of the generator, my family and I felt a renewed sense of hope. We could feel warmth and we had a light and the fridge was back on. We knew that we could travel the balance of waiting out the lack of power.
In a few hours, we saw workers' lights in the backyard. Our son ran out and caught up with them as they moved from yard to yard and then it happened. The electricity came back on.
My wife who is a very low key person opened up the front door and hollered that we had light. It was an exciting moment. My eyes and my heart were opened up just a little further.
Gary Valdez has always been there and helps however he can. I've seen and experienced it throughout our 15 years here.
He and his son need to be recognized as hometown heroes. The Lansing City Council needs to call them out with a special resolution like they've done for so many others.
"Gary and Nick, thank-you." You guys are special and I just thought it needed to be recognized.