I'm not sure I like Parenthood, the television show, anymore
Checking my passion on a Friday morning in mid-Michigan

This is for my son and for other guys who will be new dads this year


My son Justin was still in grade school when he and I met Ken Canfield who was then the head of the National Center for Fathering.  We were at the Promise Keepers event at Soldier Field in Chicago and we stopped by the booth where Ken was signing copies of his book The Heart Of A Father.

Now my son and his wife are pregnant with their first child which is due in July and I ran into this blog post from the present head of the father center, Casey Carey.  

The post outlines seven things that dads should do with their kids.  The advice, in my opinion is golden.  It's money in the bank for your kid and how he develops and grows.

It's stuff that will make a difference and will be a world-changer for his child, regardless of whether he has a son or daughter.  

Justin, print this out.  Share it with your buddies who are going to have children soon.  

I want you to know that I pray for you, Lauren and your child, whether it's Stella or Ike everyday.

