For my 50th high school class reunion, they asked what I was most proud of
June 15, 2014
Inside the invitation to my 50th high school class reunion this fall was an insert asking me to write a short piece about my last five decades of life since I left T. L. Handy High School in Bay City, Michigan. It's for a memory yearbook for each member of the class of 1964.
One of the items they want each class member to share is accomplishments and awards. They also asked everybody to talk about the jobs they've had. I've had a bunch since I left high school.
For me, there's only one answer. It's my family and my kids. Father's Day is a strong reminder of how I feel every other day of the year. It would take a big server with gigabytes of space to hold all the memories and there's unused space for more.
It started with my wife and me and then came my daughter and then my son. Then there was a son-in-law, a grandson, a daughter-in-law, a granddaughter and a pre-born grandson who is coming real soon.
I feel like Matt Redmond in his song 10,000 Reasons to thank and praise God. At this point, I can find way more than that number. I'm still counting. Thank-you God, bigtime.