Our house will be the one with the big smile that comes with your grandkids
June 15, 2014
I've been practicing smiling the past couple of weeks, so my face doesn't hurt later this week from all the smiles that come from two of our grandkids being here for about a month. I know that I'll be using smile muscles that haven't been exercised in a while.
They live in Eastern Europe and are in this country for a few month with their parents, our daughter Krista and son-in-law Adam. We have all kinds of things on our to-do list, a backyard slip and slide, all kinds of books, the zoo and bunches of other stuff.
Super-wife and I have been working at getting in shape for an 18-month-old grandaugther and almost four year-old grandson. We are ready, we think.
This face-to-face visit will be special. We see them often, but it's usually over FaceTime on our computers. It's a wonderful way to visit from a distance.
For the next month, it will be hands-on grandparenting.