I'm leaving this David Crowder song--"I Am"--for my kids and my grandkids
November 02, 2014
Knowing the vicissitudes of life and realizing the tenousness of life, I'm tying together a lot of loose ends. As a dad and a grandpa, I've been thinking about what I can leave my family as part of my legacy.
The likelihood is that my kids and their kids at some point will feel distance from God and his promises. Life can take a lot of turns and sometimes, it's hard to find your way back. I'm 68-years-old and have not felt the presence of God on too many occasions.
In church today, we sang this song--"I Am" by David Crowder. It's a real reminder that he's there. I'm going to purchase it from iTunes and play it on all my devices. I need this reminder and I know they will need it too at some point.
So, I leave them this great reminder.