Can I gain motivation to eat right and exercise by watching this Casey Neistat vlog post?
November 20, 2015
I don't want to be corpulent when I turn 70 on the last day of August next year. I want to be fully in shape to test the contention that 70 is the new 50. Can I do it?
For most of my adult life, I have been on an up and down cycle of gaining and losing weight. I admit it. I have a whole lot of reasons, but they are all pretty garden variety.
In the past year, I've gotten into the habit of watching the daily vlog posts on YouTube from a filmmaker, Casey Neistat, in New York City. He telling a daily story about his life and the people in it. Along with several hundred thousand--mostly half my age--from around the world I feel like I know him, what drives him, his passion for what he does and his passion for his family.
He's also into running which he shares with an insatiable desire for candy and other sweet things. In this video, he talks about how he realizes that he needs more energy. He zooms in on his diet. He reeks of motivation in everything he does.
Can I feed on his energy and his focus to do this? Let me be clear, he's not overweight and he's in shape for the most part. He lives every minute of a long day and burns the candle from both ends.
I think I need to take my cue from this guy who's half my age. This is worth viewing.