When my son was really young his favorite baseball player was Ernie Camacho of the Cleveland Indians
June 07, 2016
My son and I were talking about his baseball cards the other night when our conversation turned to Ernie Camacho, the retired reliever for the Cleveland Indians. Justin and I would go through a pile of cards, looking at teams, player names and their stats.
He was in early grade school and when we did this, he'd always stop at Ernie's card. I think he liked the way his name rolled off his tongue, plus he played for a team with cool looking uniforms.
Whatever happened to Ernie Camacho?
Well, I think I've found out. He apparently is a school maintenance guy in California and a prominent advocate for people with Alzheimers, a diseased which toughed his father.
A CLARIFICATION: My wife reminded me that my son was attracted to Camacho because my son was a Bert and Ernie fan from Sesame Street.
His name has never been forgotten by me or my son. It would be fun to tell him someday.