Should a pastor be happy that you and your wife sat on the couch for half a hour talking about their sermon?
September 03, 2016
Our church--Ada Bible Church--lives streams its services. So my wife and I decided to attend church virtually tonight and then go in person tomorrow on Sunday. I used my iPhone to play the service on our television where we saw and participated in the whole service, including a sermon by Pastor Aaron Buer.
He taught on Psalm 34, a reaction by David being chased by King Saul and how David deal with the intensity of the stress from that and how it applies to us.
King Saul was jealous of David and wanted to see him dead. David was being chased and he had to hide. His life hung on his ability to say one step ahead of Saul. The young shepherd and future king had a target on his back. So how did he react? And how does it apply to our lives?
The sermon centered around answering that question and the challenge of dealing with the unfairness of life.
He pointed to verse 4 where David said:
I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.
Then he covered two other points in the Psalm about how we take "shelter" in the Lord and how we pursue peace and don't speak or do evil.
My notes have holes which I will fill in tomorrow.
But I asked my wife about how well the message provided and explained tools from that passage. Did it cross the boundary from being a bromide and cliche to a real life tool that you can pick up and use?
This is not a criticism of the message or the pastor, but an anecdote about how two people listened and tried to personalize what was taught.