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1 post from February 2017

Praying with the guys, my youngest grandson and my Starbucks mug from St. Louis

Me, my son, son-in-law and friend.
This is our online prayer meeting.

We usually do it on Wednesday's during or right after the lunch hour.  One is from St. Louis, one from the Indy area and the other from Florida.  It's my son, son-in-law, a friend and me.  We meet online and we pray for our families and for each other and anybody else on our minds.  

On this blog, I've written about finding my niche as I move more solidly into my 70th year of life.  Could it be prayer and could it have always been in front of me and I missed it?  I'm very unpracticed in the area of talking to God, but I feel I'm getting better.  It's feeling more natural.  I'm even learning to listen as God responds.


My grandson Jacob.
Pulling yourself up on a chair can be a major life accomplishment for a crawler.

This is my youngest grandson Jacob.  I love the wonder in his eyes and the almost perpetual smile he has.  Everything is a discovery, including pulling yourself up to a chair.  Yes, I am enjoy being a grandfather and a father.  Both roles are special.  I wonder if my father ever saw or enjoyed any of his grandkids.  My mom did.  She was really proud of our daughter and son.  And, if she was still living, she'd really be proud of their spouses.


Our St. Louis Starbucks mug.
We use our Starbucks mugs for coffee and prayer.

We got our first Starbucks mug on a cold, rainy night in Budapest, Hungary.  It was Good Friday and we had eaten at a pasta restaurant, went to a big old cathedral where a Mass was underway.  The coffeeshop was just around the corner and we decided to get a cup of something that we recognized.  We saw the Budapest mug and immediately decided to get one.  It has been a reminder of a great trip visiting family.  But more importantly, we use it to pray for other cities we've been to and gotten their mugs.