I think I can cross off Sandy Pensler from my list for U.S. Senate from Michigan
July 22, 2018
I feel really disconnected from the Michigan political loop as we get ready to vote in early August in the primary. Take the race for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate where the incumbent Debbie Stabenow is up for reelection.
Two Republican candidates are sending me mail. Most recent is Sandy Pensler from Grand Rapids. I believe he's a businessman. I think I've seen a couple of his television commercials .
What grabbed me was the opening sentence a Pensler fundraising letter. "Donald Trump is making America great again and Debbie Stabenow can't stand it," he writes.
Has Pensler been listening to or watching the news the past 18 months. News commentators are openly questioning whether he's guilty of treason. He gave the finger to U.S. intelligence agencies and backed the Russian president Putin. Hmm . . .
Then there's the personal morals side of the equation. Porn star Stormy Daniels is old news. Now it's a Playboy model and his affair with her around the time that his youngest son was born. He and his people are not denying it.
The list could go on and on. And Pensler describes the president as making America great again.
I might be left with one choice. I might make my mark for Stabenow. There's no guessing about what side of the tracks she's on. She's honest and you don't have to look over your shoulder and keep your hand on your wallet when you talk to her.